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COVID-19 Dental Update 17th March 2020

Dental Update 17th March 2020

At Complete Dental Care our focus is your health and the safety of your family and friends. To maintain your health and that of our staff (thereby protecting you) and the Community at large in these times of uncertainty we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and are attempting to stay ahead of all regulated changes.

Note Government Health and Human Services websites are being updated daily

Australian Government Updated Advice on COVID-19 COVID – 19

https://Department of Human Services Updated Advice on COVID-19

Actions taken by CDC to date:

Universal precautions
-At all times when treating patients protective barriers (eye wear, masks – single patient use, fresh uniforms and single use gloves) are worn by our staff
-All staff are using hand sanitisers between all rooms and when de-gloving between patients and between treatment areas and the front desk
-All of our patients are being asked to use hand sanitiser for 30 seconds upon entering and leaving the Practice
-Pre rinsing procoronavirustocol switched from Chlorhexidine to Peroxide (thought to be potentially more efficacious in reducing COVID-19 in the mouth) prior to dental treatment
-Single use barrier wrap & autoclave sterilisation

Screening of Patients to date
-Mid-January we began screening all patients who had been to China (or been in contact with someone returning from China) in the last 30 days and asking them about any flu like illness and deferring treatment for 14 days
Early February we began screening all patients for Flu like symptoms and deferring appointments until patients had been symptom free for 7 days
-Mid February we began advising all patients who had entered Australia from overseas or had been in contact with anyone returning from overseas (other than China) to defer non-essential treatment for 7 days
-Mid March all people entering Australia from overseas or being in contact with anyone entering Australia from overseas to have treatment deferred for 14 days

The Future
Potential Future Protocols (may need to be applied as we enter the Flu season proper)
-Setting aside last appointment afternoon times where only at risk groups would be allowed into the waiting room and treated (Older patients and medically compromised)
-Reducing the number of appointments on offer and splitting the Practice into two working teams (Practitioners/reception staff/nursing staff) that do not work at the Practice at the same time
-For patients who may have Cold or Flu symptoms (and have been cleared of Corona virus) that develop dental emergencies end of day/last patient appointments will be organised so our waiting room can be cleared and thorough disinfection can occur after treatment
-Deferring non-essential Dental Treatment for ‘at risk’ groups until the ‘Flu Season’ has passed

Current advice regarding ongoing Dental Care
The incidence of COVID-19 in the Community will increase as the ‘Flu Season’ sets upon us in the winter months. Avoiding or postponing required dental treatment now may lead to treatment constraints at a later date.
If you are suffering from ‘Flu like symptoms’ all non-essential dental treatment should be deferred for 14 days and medical advice should be sought

– Fever
– Sore throat
– Shortness of breath/breathing difficulties
– Cough
– Fatigue, tiredness, aches

Please note we cannot treat patients who have been diagnosed with COVID -19 until they have been cleared by Medical authorities . Accordingly if you have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, have come into contact with someone who has travelled overseas in the last 14 days and are experiencing ‘Flu like’ symptoms and you have a dental emergency please contact our reception and a telephone consultation with one of our Practitioners we are so your treatment options can be explained

Above all, we are here to help. If you are uncertain about your status, an upcoming appointment or the best way to manage your own treatment needs, our reception staff and Practitioners are only a phone call away.

From all of us at CDC, stay healthy and stay safe
Dr Adam Keyes-Tilley BDSc(Melb) FRACDS

More to explore

September CDC newsletter overview

  In case you missed, please find below an overview of some of the main stories and content from our September newsletter